Région Centre-Val de Loire
Chemotherapy scheduling and distribution
Ten years ago, the chemotherapy preparation production unit at CHRU Bretonneau (UBCO) produced an average of 80 preparations per day on four isolator lines. Today, thanks to planning optimization software developed in collaboration with the Laboratoire d'Informatique de l'Université de Tours and Eticsys, as well as the acquisition of additional isolators, UBCO produces around 150 chemotherapy preparations a day, with peaks of up to 220 preparations, while increasing the comfort of preparers (reduced activity peaks and stress). A complete production traceability system has also been implemented. This software is unique in France. The problem faced by UBCO is twofold: distributing preparations and finely managing leftovers. Chemotherapy preparations have certain characteristics (shelf-life, etc.) which mean that the problem of planning and delivery are closely linked, and need to be studied together. On the other hand, the optimal use of products can result in considerable savings, given their volatility and high cost. The aim of this research is twofold: to organize rounds in such a way as to deliver patients as quickly as possible, taking into account geographical constraints (logistical times) and upstream production constraints; and to make the best possible use of stocks of active products in chemotherapy preparations, in order to minimize losses.