2017 - 2020 Smart Loire
Region Centre-Val de Loire
The Centre-Val de Loire region boasts significant and varied tourism potential. At present, it is difficult for visitors to organize a personalized stay, and for tourism professionals to propose itineraries that meet visitors' preferences and constraints. The Smart Loire project aims to propose optimized itineraries that take into account the context (weather, season, events...) and are personalized according to the declared and observed profile of visitors. It relies on web services, open tourism data and algorithms to optimize the proposed itineraries. The aim is to enable tourists to stay longer and enjoy less-frequented natural and urban landscapes. This slow tourism is an alternative to the mass tourism that is currently developing strongly. The main results of the Smart Loire project include the following. Studies of tourist sites show the importance of integrating natural and urban landscapes, which are currently very rare, into tourist POI databases. What's more, the description of these POIs can be enhanced via Linked Open Data (LOD). The CART prototype validated the approach to itinerary design via the composition of web services for tourism professionals. For itinerary optimization, exact methods have been defined. They take into account all the objectives and constraints that tourists may express. Finally, we have demonstrated that we can automatically retrieve tourist profiles by analyzing their trajectories while respecting their privacy.
More Information Here.
More Information Here.