
2019 - 2021 Ethnos : Ethics of digitization and health organization

Region Centre-Val de Loire

The project aims to participate in the research network set up by the University of Nantes around ethics and health. This network includes the Université de Montréal in Quebec. The aim is to study ethical issues relating to innovations in the digitization of healthcare, including the organization of care. To achieve this, it is necessary to network, on a sufficiently large scale, different disciplines including computer scientists, healthcare practitioners and philosophers. The University of Nantes is a pioneer in this field, with the creation of a Master's degree in ethics and medical ethics consultations involving philosophers specializing in healthcare. However, there is a lack of research on ethics to support these initiatives. Participation in this network, set up by the Université de Nantes and the Université de Montréal, will enable us to define innovative lines of research in the field of the ethics of digitizing healthcare, and to study the possibility of providing digital tools to facilitate reasoning on ethical issues in healthcare.