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Recherche Opérationnelle, Ordonnancement et Transport

Operations research, scheduling, and transportation
ROOT Research Interest

The operations research, scheduling, and transportation team (ROOT for its acronym in French) was founded in 1986 under the name “Ordonnancement et Conduite” (OC). The research activities of the team are based on two main areas of Operations Research (OR): scheduling and transportation. The scientific contributions of the team are part of the scientific development of the field of OR methods as well as the field of organizational models and processes. Its research work is mainly focused on the study and solution of combinatorial optimization problems. The main models addressed are therefore scheduling problems and/or transport and logistics problems. An important part of the research work aims at providing solutions to industrial (production, logistics) and societal (health, mobility, sustainable development) problems. 

ROOT brings together 16 permanent researchers, 9 Ph.D. students, 1 postdoc, and a number of master’s students who conduct high-quality and internationally renowned research.


Yannick Kergosien (yannick.kergosien at