PhD thesis & HDR (ROOT)
Current PhD thesis
- Bilevel optimization and integrated production and delivery problems - Mallory Taffonneau
- Contributions to planning and scheduling in the Industry of the Future - Quentin Schau
- Decision support tool for bicycle network improvement - Félix Repusseau
- Environmental optimization of servers - Clément Lecomte
- Exact and approximate methods for optimizing transport networks: city of Nouakchott - Mohamed Elmoctar Mohamed Abdaerrahman
- Logistics optimization of short food supply chains - Adrien Callico
- Modeling and solving scheduling problems for preventive and corrective maintenance operations within the SNCF - Tom Ray
- Outpatient pathway planning - Simon Moulard
- Solving combinatorial problems in bioinformatics - Florent Cabret
- Solving scheduling problems by coupling OR and ML techniques - Racha Chahbo
Past PhD thesis
- Decision support tools for setting up an electric public transit network - Pierre Vendé
- Optimization of hyperparameters of deep learning models - Guillaume Lacharme
- HDR - Combinatorial Optimization Methods for Solving Integrated routing Problems - Yannick Kergosien
- Optimization and Interactive Data Analysis: the travelling salesman problem - Alexandre Chanson
- Contributions of Inclusion-Exclusion to exact or approximate solution of scheduling problems - Olivier Ploton
- Solving multi-project scheduling problems under shared multi-skill resource constraints - Meya Haroune (joint degree with Nouakchott university)
- Models and methods for the optimization of the order picking process in e-commerce warehouses - Mustapha Haouassi (joint degree with Polytechnique Montréal)
- New computational and mathematical approaches for solving biological problems - Mohamed Lemine Ahmed Sidi (joint degree with Nouakchott university)
- Solving integrated problems in a pharmaceutical context: scheduling and routing of vehicles - Alexis Robbes
- Exact and approximate algorithms for multi-resource fixed-interval job scheduling in distributed systems: single and multi-agent approaches - Boukhalfa Zahout
- Dynamic decision making under uncertainty in vehicle routing and logistics - Nicholas Kullman
- The multi-period electric vehicle routing problem: model and solution approaches - Laura Echeverri
- Solving by exact and approximate algorithms of integrated routing and scheduling problems - Hugo Chevroton
- Solving methods for non-disjoint multi-agent scheduling problems - van Ut Tran
- New single machine scheduling problems with deadline for the characterization of optimal solutions - Thanh Thuy Tien Ta
- When operations research meets structural pattern recognition : on the solution of error-tolerant graph matching problems - Mostafa Darwiche
- Exact Algorithms With Worst-case Guarantee For Scheduling: From Theory to Practice - Lei Shang
- Optimisation of the ressources management on "big data" platforms using the Hadoop software - Aymen Jlassi
- Mathematical models and algorithms for the home care routing and scheduling problem - Mohamed Cissé
- Operations research methods for solving integrated production and distribution scheduling problems - Azeddine Cheref
- Solving multicriteria problems (duration/safety) in order to design large scale evacuation evacuation planning - Ismaila Abderhamane Ndiaye
- Electric Vehicle Routing Problems : models and solution approaches - Alejandro Montoya
- Anytime and distributed approaches for graph matching - Zeina Abu-Aisheh
- Maintenance scheduling in the electricity industry : a particular focus on a problem rising in the onshore wind industry - Aurélien Froger