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PhD Defense: Raphaël Bres

« Modélisation et évolution du réseau cyclable » Comment mieux intégrer le vélo dans les bases de données conçues pour d’autres usages ? Les travaux de Raphaël BRES proposent un nouveau modèle de représentation des infrastructures cyclables, adapté aux besoins actuels et capable d’analyser leur évolution.

Cycling is currently booming, as it is seen as an ecological, economical and efficient alternative to the car in urban areas. We are interested in how it is represented in mobility network databases (MNDBs). These are not of good quality because they are oriented towards other main uses (car, pedestrian) and the infrastructures are represented at the scale of the road section. Our study postulates that the representation of BDRMs at this scale only allows the main use of the latter to be represented, with little importance being given to secondary uses (e.g. cycling). Following this observation, we propose a definition of the cycle network as well as a new BDRM model, at the lane scale, adapted to cycling and allowing the representation of all road uses. We then instantiate this BDRM with the BDTOPO® and OSM. These two instantiations highlight quality problems in these two sources in order to obtain complete and fresh data. We address this question of freshness through the prism of network evolution analysis, particularly in OSM. To do this, we propose two complementary methods : one based on road sections, which is exhaustive over a large study area, and one based on non-exhaustive routes over small areas of interest that are representative of our study area. We are also seeking to make our work easily adaptable to any road user. The study area for all this research work is the Centre-Val de Loire region.

Le jury sera composé des membres suivants :

Omar Boucelma, Professeur, Aix-Marseille Université, rapporteur
Didier Josselin, Professeur, Avignon Université, rapporteur
Paule-Annick Davoine, Professeure, Université Grenoble Alpes, examinatrice
Géraldine Del Mondo, Maîtresse de conférences, INSA Rouen Normandie, examinatrice
Cyril de Runz, Maître de conférences HDR, Université de Tours, co-directeur de thèse
Ana-Maria Olteanu Raimond, Directrice de recherches, Université Gustave Eiffel, co-directrice de thèse
Arnaud Le Guilcher, Ingénieur de recherches, Université Gustave Eiffel, encadrant de thèse
Veronika Peralta, Maîtresse de conférences HDR, Université de Tours, encadrante de thèse
Thomas Devogèle, Professeur, Université de Tours, invité