2022 - 2026 - JUNON Project

JUNON Project

The JUNON project is structured around the regional environmental and digital scientific communities (BRGM, CNRS, INRAE, the Universities of Tours and Orléans, etc.) to develop a centre of research and excellence specialising in the creation and exploitation of environmental digital twins focused on the sustainable management of natural resources (water, soil and air).

Logo JUNON Project

The JUNON programme, led by BRGM, is part of the "Ambition Recherche Développement Centre-Val de Loire" regional initiative. This ambitious programme to develop a digital research centre on the continental environment (agricultural, urban, forestry and river) in the Centre-Val de Loire region aims to design digital services to improve monitoring and understanding of the environment, for better management of natural resources.

JUNON project - https://www.poledream.org/projet-junon/

Challenges and needs

At a time of digital and environmental transition, the Centre-Val de Loire Region and its partners have set their sights on creating a unique, innovative digital hub dedicated to the environment and the management of natural resources. This initiative will culminate in the development of digital twins for water, soil and air, using the latest developments in artificial intelligence.

Digital twins enable real structures and processes to be reproduced throughout their evolution using machine learning approaches. These virtual reproductions are built around learning processes that require large quantities of data and are based on expertise in environmental metrology.

The JUNON programme is part of the 'Ambition Research Development Centre-Val de Loire' regional programme, and follows on from the ARD PIVOTS 2016-2020 programme, which created a set of 7 experimental platforms on the Orleans campus dedicated to monitoring, environmental metrology and remediation of various anthropised environments (subsoil/soil/water/air). It is also a continuation of the CPER CONEX programme, which aims to strengthen the connectivity of scientific data.

JUNON brings together some twenty research teams with a total budget of over €12 million distributed across ten collaborative projects working together to :

  • create and exploit new digital twins
  • establish new public and commercial services to manage our natural resources more sustainably

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