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Apéro'Info : Water and artificial intelligence


on the October 9, 2024

October, 9 Wednesday from 6.30pm to 8pm

IUT de Blois, Jean Jaurès Site, 3 Pl. Jean Jaurès, 41000 Blois
Amphitheatre 2

Water is a crucial resource for AI, but AI can also help to manage it better. Come and discuss this with researchers in the field! Find the speakers' presentations in the box!

Apéro'Info du 09/10/2024: Eau et intelligence artificielle Water, and freshwater in particular, is a deceptively inexhaustible resource. Since 2022, the planetary limits for fresh water have unfortunately all been reached. The issue of sustainable development that preserves this essential resource directly concerns digital technology and artificial intelligence. Firstly, because computer data centres consume a great deal of water to cool their computers. Secondly, because Artificial Intelligence can help to better monitor and manage water.

These are the issues that will be addressed during the following two mini-conferences (20 minutes each, followed by questions):

* Béatrice Markhoff (CITERES laboratory, University of Tours): ‘Is Artificial Intelligence making us thirsty?

* Thomas Devogele (LIFAT laboratory, University of Tours): ‘When Artificial Intelligence analyses data over time: applications to water management and mobility analysis’.

Come and discuss these topics with us, both during these two mini-conferences open to all, and then at greater length during the aperitif that will be offered to all present.